Amanda Capelli (NYU):“A Curiously Lonely Existence”: A Reflection on Strangeness, Monstrosity, and the Future of Single-Author Literary Societies
Daniel Pizappi (Univ. of TN): Searching for the Disaster Utopia: Elizabeth Madox Roberts’ Flood and Silas House’s Southernmost
Eleanor Hough (Univ. of KY): Affect, Music, and Race in My Heart and My Flesh
Gisèle Sigal(Universitè de Pau, France – Bayonne Campus): A Community of Spirit: Historical Credibility and Ethereal Realism in The Time of Man by Elizabeth Madox Roberts and Hunter’s Horn by Harriette Simpson Arnow
James Stamant (Agnes Scott College): Visible Power in Elizabeth Madox Roberts’ “The Scarecrow”
Philip H. Westcott (Independent Scholar): Time Unmoored: Time and Place in Elizabeth Madox Roberts’ The Time of Man and My Heart and My Flesh
Alex Pennisi (Culinary Institute of America): Elizabeth Madox Roberts and Rosalía de Castro
Jane Dionne (Independent Scholar): Southern Foods and Family Recipes: 1940s